5 Steps to Generate Referrals

Ep: #015: 5 Steps to Generate Referrals

Before we dive in to the 5 steps, you may want to download the 5 Steps to Generate Referrals cheat sheet.  It will help you to easily follow along as I go through each step in this episode.

Here are some highlights:

One of my favorite referral myths to bust is that generating referrals takes a ton of time…like hours and hours every week.

It just doesn’t.

Now it does take work…but not the hours and hours that people believe it takes. And if clients drop “ready to go” into your lap because they have been referred, then doing a little bit of work will be worth it.

Here are the 5 steps to follow…

Step 1: Id the Who

You need to know who refers you or who you would like to be referring you.

Step 2:  Immediate Thank You Follow Process

Having a process you follow to immediately thank someone for a referral is key to making sure they feel thanked for their action (of referring you)

Step 3: Create a One Year Plan

You need to have an outreach plan that you do throughout the year to be meaningful and memorable and stay top of mind with your referral sources.

Step 4: Plant Referral Seeds

You need the right language to plant referral seeds when you reach out to your referral sources throughout the year.

Step 5: Automate and Measure

While your referral sources need an experience, you need a process that you can manage and then track your results.

Again, make sure you download the important one-page cheat sheet I talk about in the episode to help you keep the 5 steps in one place.

Download the 5 Steps of Generate Referrals Cheat Sheet here!

Links to Show Resources:

5 Steps to Generate Referrals – in-depth article on the foundation you need to be able to generate referrals and the 5 steps.

Referral Ninja Quiz – if you want to know where you stand now in your ability to generate referrals.

Generating Business Referrals…Without Asking – check out the book website to pre-order your copy and receive over $500 of free bonuses. Deadline to receive the bonuses is October 15, 2018 at midnight.

Free Referrals Without Asking Facebook group  – Join the almost 1000 professionals committed to generating referrals without asking!

Sign Up for the 7 Day Referral Growth Challenge:

Join me for the 7  Day Referral Growth Challenge.  Start when you are ready by signing up and every day for 7 days I will drop a new 2 minute video into your inbox to help you grow your referrals.

Coming Up:

Coming up in the next episode – #016 – we will look at saving our lost referrals. “No referrals left behind!”

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