Ep #295: Must Have Referral Strategies This Year

Ep #295: Must Have Referral Strategies This Year

As we enter a new year, it’s crucial to adapt our referral strategies to the current business environment. In this episode, we explore ways businesses are shifting in 2024 and how to leverage your referral opportunities effectively. Here are three key referral strategies and a bonus tip to maximize your referral potential. Strategy #1: Communicating…

Ep #293: Strategic Alignment for a Referral Explosion

Ep #293: Strategic Alignment for a Referral Explosion

In our earlier episodes, I highlighted the importance of clarity and understanding your referral data to set achievable goals. This episode builds upon that foundation and focuses on identifying and closing the gaps hindering your referral success. Referrals are not just a one-time strategy or tactic but rather a holistic approach to building a referable…

Ep #287: Reverse Goal Setting

Ep #287: Reverse Goal Setting

Reflecting on the past and planning for the future. Goal setting is not just about what you want your business to achieve; it’s about envisioning the life you want to live. As we approach the end of the year, it’s crucial to reflect on how 2023 unfolded for you. But here’s the game-changer: instead of…