referrals rock.

“Stacey worked with our team of financial advisors to help us craft a customized referral generating plan. Very quickly we increased our referrals by 30. Then at the end of our first year, our referral generation was up over 70%. Without Stacey, this success would not have been possible.
Mike Eklund
Financial Planner, Financial Symmetry
In the first quarter of this year I have received 32 referrals. At this pace I will well exceed my goal of 60 new referrals this year.
Rick McDermott
Attorney, McDermott IP Law
“Cultivating the right referral sources was integral to growing our business. Stacey’s Growth By Referrals program is the referral plan I follow – and it works!  I’ve booked more jobs this month alone, all from referrals!”
Christine Cowles
Home Stager, Staged & Styled Santa Barbara

If I’d known then what I know now… 

My first business wouldn’t have failed. #truestory

When it comes to referrals, you don’t have to follow outdated strategies that crank up the discomfort, stress, and procrastination. I teach business owners everything about referrals I wish I’d known all along, then equip them with a detailed, non-salesy plan of action to attract a steady flow of quality clients.

In 2007, I decided to take the entrepreneurial leap; I left my safe W-2 job and partnered with a small company to manage a new division that was completely in line with my expertise. (I was four weeks pregnant at the time and didn’t know it; not the best timing—just sayin’). A year later, with a four-month-old, I had a client encourage me to leave that small firm and start my own company. They would become my first and biggest client for two years. Until they weren’t, and I had to quickly start bringing on new clients to survive.

It didn’t end well, and I wish I could blame the recession—but that wouldn’t be true. During months and months of reflection and talking to other successful business owners, I discovered where it all went wrong. One of the key issues was that I hadn’t establish a system to bring in new clients in a way that worked for me.

My clients had to know, like, and trust me to hire me. I found that most potential clients were more willing to take the recommendation of a colleague than just randomly find me on the internet. So all that “brand and credibility” building I did was for naught. (Not even my articles published in impressive magazines or my interview with Bloomberg News could save me.)

What I needed, but didn’t have, was a way to generate referrals. While working at a corporate job after the business failed, I researched referrals. But I didn’t like what I found. It didn’t fit me or my values, and it left me feeling inauthentic.

So, I set out to crack the code on generating referrals WITHOUT asking. And crack it I did! When I started my next entrepreneurial venture, I applied my referral strategy and had crazy success.

In my first year as a business coach, I generated 112 referrals that I did not ask for. Since then, year over year, I have been able to generate triple digit referrals. 

When demand for my coaching services went up, supply went down, and my clients noticed. It was harder to get on my schedule, and they wanted to know why. So, I started teaching them my referral plan and they started having the same success as well. In some cases, better success than me.

Get a glimpse at my referral strategy in my freebie guideYou’re never going to look back—promise!

Want more?
Okay, here’s the personal stuff: While I love my work, there is more to me than just my obsession with referrals. Here are a few random tidbits:

-I am a Red Sox loving Southern girl from South Carolina and proudly call Charlotte, NC home.

-I am a wife to one and mother to three. Two of our kids—our big-hearted, silly son and our brave, confident daughter—are biological. A few years ago we “acquired” our third as we took custody of our story-telling, joke-cracking nephew.

-I went to college to be the next Katie Couric, majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I mean, somebody had to replace her, might as well be me (ummm, well, no).

-Becoming an entrepreneur wasn’t a crazy stretch for me. In fact, my family is crawling with entrepreneurs but the crazy kind. Yes, I think you are crazy to own a restaurant but I can say that because I know firsthand…I’m the granddaughter, daughter, sister, wife and niece of crazy restaurant owners. But there is one big difference that separate me from them. And that’s my business failure.

-The Randalls are a house divided! Yes, this Red Sox loving Southern girl married a die-hard from New York, Yankee fan.

And, finally…

I love working with business owners who provide valuable service to their clients. Because business owners who care are uniquely positioned to receive referrals. You just need to know what to do, how to do it, and what to say while doing it.

As a successful author, podcast host, and entrepreneur, I have had the honor of helping thousands of business owners learn to generate referrals without asking.



Ditch stressful strategies that only work for certain personalities.

It’s real-world.

Technological and sociological advances have changed things drastically in the business world—referral strategies haven’t kept up. My system takes it all into account in a simple, doable plan.

It’s true to you.

You don’t have to be the most sparkling personality in the room, attend scores of networking mixers, or send endless emails. You’ll be the true you and build relationships based on mutual trust.

It’s simple.

But that doesn’t mean skimpy. No vague maxims, complicated steps, or wading through irrelevant info. You’ll get a complete, detailed roadmap (including scripts) for creating referrals naturally.

I know there are many ways to generate referrals, but I believe my way is the best. Let me tell you why.

Every expert or guru out there teaches what they know, supposedly. They form a philosophy that is at the center of what they believe and their philosophy informs the strategies and processes they teach you. From those strategies and processes come the tactics and tools they believe you need to use to be successful.

So, when you make a decision to listen to an expert or guru, make sure you understand their philosophy first. This allows you to be a better consumer of their message, their marketing, and ultimately, their materials and products.

In turn, to fully understand what I am all about, you have to understand my philosophy. Then you decide if it works for you. 

Here’s what I believe:
Referrals only come from relationships.
Relationships come from connections.
And connections are built through ongoing touch points.

How you handle those touch points is what really sets my approach apart.

I’m a contrarian to the decades of advice out there on generating referrals. With results on my side, I know you don’t have to follow the conventional advice just because it’s all that has been taught for the last 30 years or so.

Most referral advice looks like this (and it’s dead wrong):
a) to receive referrals, you have to ask, 
b) to receive referrals, you need a gazillion touch points mailed and emailed every month or week, and 
c) to receive referrals, you have to know how to manipulate the situation by taking advantage of reciprocity.

Yuck. This is the type of advice that leads people to write off referrals as an essential, practical strategy to grow their client base. 

Get instant access to my freebie, “Referral Ninja Roadmap.” It’s an on-demand webinar that uncovers how to make natural, meaningful touch points without asking or manipulating.


My book is for you.

Generating Business Referrals Without Asking: A Simple Five-Step Plan to a Referral Explosion

My book breaks down my referral methodology into bite-sized pieces and a step-by-step action plan. Grab a copy and up your referral game within weeks!


Try my podcast.

Roadmap to Referrals

Check out my podcast and learn to build a referable business without having to become an always-hustling sales expert.

New episodes every Tuesday!


Say goodbye to forced, and say hello to natural.


Sign up.

Choose the program that’s right for you based on your budget, how long you’ve been in business, and how much hands-on support you want along the way.


Buckle up.

Fair warning: My approach to referral generation is completely different from what you’ve heard everywhere else. Be ready for a massive mindset shift and a tsunami of relief. 


Level up.

Get ready to finally jump off the hustle hamster wheel! As you start showing up for your referral sources, they’ll show up for you. Over and over again. Year after year.

You’ve learned a bit about me. I can’t wait to learn more about you!


The Science Behind Referrals

Finally unlock why asking or incentivizing for referrals doesn’t work. 
In this 7 minute video, I’ll share the science behind referrals!