Ep #307: Questions You Should Be Asking

Ep #307: Questions You Should Be Asking

Building a referable business requires strategic planning and thoughtful execution of touchpoints with referral sources. In this episode, I reveal some of the insightful questions my clients have asked during our coaching sessions. Here are three key takeaways from this episode: Handwritten Touchpoints: One of the questions that frequently arises is whether all touchpoints need…

Ep #306: What Potential Referral Sources Need You to Know

Ep #306: What Potential Referral Sources Need You to Know

Are you neglecting potential referral sources without even realizing it? When seeking referrals, understand that the people you are reaching out to are living, breathing, and feeling individuals. They are not just potential sources of referrals but human beings who crave genuine connections. Here are a few things to remember: Genuine Connections Matter: Building genuine…

Ep #301: Swimming Against the Stream with Referrals

Ep #301: Swimming Against the Stream with Referrals

Just because something appears to be true, and everyone goes along with it, doesn’t mean it makes sense. In this episode, we explore the misconceptions surrounding referrals and how understanding human behavior can revolutionize your referral strategy. Here are three key takeaways from the episode: Referrals Aren’t About You: When someone refers a potential client…

Ep #298: Growing Through Referrals

Ep #298: Growing Through Referrals

Referrals play an important role in sustaining a business, especially in challenging market conditions. This episode showcases the success of Melissa Herdman, a real estate agent who has experienced significant referral growth by implementing strategies she’s learned in BRB. Despite facing industry shifts, Melissa consistently receives a high volume of referrals each year. After working…

Ep #297: Referral Experience vs Client Experience

Ep #297: Referral Experience vs Client Experience

When developing a referral strategy, it is crucial to differentiate between the client experience and the referral experience. While the client experience may include moments where referrals can be generated, the referral experience is specifically targeted at existing referral sources. To effectively build a referral strategy, it is necessary to categorize individuals into three groups:…

Ep #279: If an Attorney Can Do It

Ep #279: If an Attorney Can Do It

Lasting investments in your business can be the scariest to make. Not only because they require a financial investment but because they will ask you to shift your mindset, change how you do things, and need your commitment. But when you take the leap to make a lasting investment, it changes everything. And your business…