Referral No-No #6

Ep #112: Referral No-No #6

While there are many big, huge no-no’s I see people commit when trying to generate referrals consistently… there are 7 big ones that top the list. These are the things you shouldn’t be doing if you want to generate referrals consistently and predictably in your business.

In this episode, we dive into the sixth big no-no.

I know this one is hard to hear but as humans our ability to slack off, to stop being consistent will always negatively impact the result we are striving for and it’s no different with referral generation.

And there is a pretty good chance you’ve committed one of these No-No’s so join me in our Referrals Without Asking Facebook group and on the episode #112 post, please let me know if you are guilty of committing this No-No!

Want to follow along on our home office journey as we demo and remake the inside the new Referral Ninja HQs? Check out the pics as we post them here

Here’s How I can Help You Right Now Generate More Referrals:

  1. Take the Referral Ninja Quiz to test your skills and abilities at generating referrals. (FREE)
  2. Check out our new On-Demand Training… the video-based trainings are ready for you when you are (think Netflix). There are two trainings currently available.
  3. Buy my book – Generating Business Referrals Without Asking – and learn how to generate referrals through my 5 steps. (LESS THAN $16)

Coming Up:

Next episode is #113 and the referral no-no #7.

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