Ep #126: Two Ways to Reflect
It’s not too late to sign up and join us for our Gratitude In Action movement. We’re paying it forward within the small business community and would love you to join us! Here’s where you join the movement.
Here’s Some Episode Highlights:
Whether you can’t wait for this year to end or want to hold on to it for a bit longer… it’s time to start turning our attention to the future.
And not just next year… but a few years out, those to come.
It’s all part of my Reverse Goal Setting process which we are diving into on the podcast.
Over the next handful of episodes we will tackle all three steps within the Reverse Goal Setting process.
Up first is Step One which is all about reflecting on 2020.
I know, I know… it might be painful for you but you need to do it. You need to reflect back on 2020 in two ways, which I break down for your on the episode.
I promise… your business and your goals will thank you.
There were a lot of Reverse Goal Setting resources mentioned to help you… here’s the links:
Pop Up Facebook Group (this group will only up active for 60-ish days, November through January)
We are going to tackle our goals this year completely different than any year before. Seems fitting, right?
Here’s How I can Help You Right Now Generate More Referrals:
- Take the Referral Ninja Quiz to test your skills and abilities at generating referrals. (FREE)
- Check out our new On-Demand Training… the video-based trainings are ready for you when you are (think Netflix). There are two trainings currently available.
- Buy my book – Generating Business Referrals Without Asking – and learn how to generate referrals through my 5 steps. (LESS THAN $16)
Coming Up:
Next episode is #127 and we move to Step 2 of the Reverse Goal Setting process.