Ep #267: Biz Owner Mindset: Working from Rest

Rest… sometimes there is no better state to be in. But what if your productivity or working state came from a place of rest? That’s a concept worth exploring, isn’t it? In this captivating episode, we are joined by Teresa McCloy, coach, author, podcaster, and creator of the REALIFE Process®, as she dives into the importance of rest and its impact on our productivity. Drawing from her personal experience as a recovering workaholic, Teresa enlightens us on what it truly means to work from a place of rest.

Listen in to hear about the importance of adopting a growth mindset and building our work around our lives, rather than the other way around. Teresa dismantles the hustle culture myth and offers practical strategies to break free from its grip. You’ll learn the four components of discovering our real selves, as well as how to shift our mindset and prioritize what truly matters.

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Next episode is #268, and we’re discussing what your referral blind spots may be.

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Stacey Brown Randall:          Rest, sometimes there is no better state to be in. But what if your productivity or your working state came from a place of rest? Now, I would say this is something we need to know more about.

Hey there, and welcome to episode 267 of the Roadmap to Referrals Podcast, a show about helping you build a referable business. My journey from business failure to a successful business, now 10 years in, I know generating referrals naturally and consistently has made all the difference.

Working with clients around the world, we leverage the science of referrals, plus protecting your relationships above all else to help you build a referable business.

Welcome back to another episode, I’m your host, Stacey Brown Randall. It’s our final episode, certainly, last but not least of our mindset of a business owner series.

It has been so fun spending time with these experts, being able to ask them questions and to learn from them, and to allow them to challenge how I think, and I hope it has done the same for you.

Maybe you heard some things you know, maybe you heard some things you’ve never thought of before. Either way, I hope you have some new, fabulous experts that are filling up your feed with good things.

Good things to help you with your mindset. Because as a business owner, sometimes we need all the help we can get. And sometimes that means we just need someone sharing information we’ve never thought of before, and then as doing something with it that can actually help us improve the world we’re in.

So, I hope you have enjoyed this journey. But we’re not done yet, because we have one more fabulous, fabulous interview and I cannot wait to introduce you to Teresa McCloy.

Teresa calls herself a recovering workaholic. Yep, been there, done that. That is definitely a club, I’m a part of too.

She says, as a recovering workaholic, who was addicted to the latest apps, software, okay, we both know that’s not me. That’s probably where we split in our differences. I run from technology, and she was all about it. Okay, let me get back to Teresa’s intro.

So, Teresa’s, a recovering workaholic, was addicted to all the latest apps, software and bestselling books on productivity. She’s passionate about helping others assess their habits and execute a process to take their everyday ordinary life to something extraordinary through her REALIFE Process.

She is the creator of the REALIFE Process, a faith focused company that helps coaches and organizational leaders, speakers and trainers develop and diversify their business.

She is also a certified leadership and life coach, a certified spiritual director, podcaster and keynote speaker.

Today, with Teresa, we’re going to talk about what it means to be working from rest. Just that statement makes me feel good and I hope it does for you too. So, let’s dive in.

Teresa, I am so excited to welcome you to this podcast and to have you be a part of this series on the business owner mindset, which I know is a big part of your area of expertise.

So, I’m excited for us to dive in and really spend some time talking about something that I think a lot of entrepreneurs ignore, which is the rest piece, and like making your schedule work and not doing the hustle as much as focusing on bringing your best self because you’re actually taking care of yourself.

So, you have so much to share on this, let’s dive right in. But before we get into all the brilliance, you’re going to share with us, I think it’s really important that we recognize the fact that you’re a business owner yourself.

So, as a business owner, why don’t we just start with you sharing why you think it’s important that people pay attention as business owners to their mindset and taking care of it and making sure that they enjoy this journey as a business owner and not something that they don’t enjoy.

Teresa McCloy:   Yeah, well, first of all, it’s great to be with you Stacey, and just to dive into this particular topic, because I do think as business owners, we are on the go, we are forward moving people, we are idea generators.

And so, from the mindset perspective, there’s so many different ways we could look at mindset. There’s the fixed versus growth, there’s abundance versus scarcity, positive versus negative. I mean, those are kind of the three categories that we hear them in.

And I think fixed versus growth is the one — oh, an entrepreneur actually looks at all three of them in some way, shape or form.

But I think fixed versus growth, like am I fixed into this mindset that this is where it will be, and this is where my business will go to as an entrepreneur and then not really moving into our zone of genius and moving into it could be more and it could be even greater than what I think it would be.

And that’s where so many times relationships between other entrepreneurs are important, to help us nudge us out of that fixed mindset and into growth mindset. Having a good coach, having a team around us that can help stretch us into growth mindset, which is that relational piece.

Because as entrepreneurs we can get really in our own zone and be like, “This is my business, and this is what I do.” You have a specific topic that you talk about, I have things I talk about, and we forget that that challenge of growth mindset, taking me outside of my bubble.

So, that’s the first mindset piece. I think then that abundance for scarcities and positive versus negative come into play too.

But as an entrepreneur, just keeping that growth mindset, what’s the next thing? And not getting stuck like, this is as far as I can go, I’ve done all I can, but what’s the challenge to go to the level of genius?

Stacey Brown Randall:          Yeah, I mean, I think about the two businesses that I have started and the first that failed and then now this business I’m in, and we’re celebrating 10 years this year.

Teresa McCloy:   Congratulations.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Thank you. And the stark difference between the two of those businesses, because the difference in me. The stark difference of who Stacey was with that first business is very different than who this Stacey is of this business.

And I think sometimes we — and this isn’t my saying or whatever, and we’ve all heard this I think as entrepreneurs, but we have a tendency to focus on the gap, and not always the gain.

And when I allow myself that opportunity to go and reflect on all that I’ve gained and all that I’ve learned sometimes … I mean, I’ll be honest, this may sound like a little braggy, and that’s not how I mean it to sound, but I’m actually impressed with myself with all the things-

Teresa McCloy:   Isn’t that true? And Dan Sullivan talks about that in his book, The Gap and The Gain. And it’s a great way for an entrepreneur to stay in the mindset and stay in the positive mindset. Then we get to talk about the positive and negative because we can also be super hard on ourselves.

And we’re saying, “Well, I haven’t done that yet, and then I haven’t done that yet, and I have all these dreams and where I’d like to go.” And you and I know each other a little bit in that business space. And we’re pretty driven people.

We’ve got pretty type A personalities and so we’re always hard on ourselves to say what we haven’t done. So, that measurement of looking back and saying, “But look what I have done.”

That’s part of the process I even work with is, every 90 days, I say let’s get up on the balcony and really look at from a time management perspective, from projects that we’re working on and say, “Wow, look at what I’ve done.”

Yeah, we can always say there’s more to do, the to dos are never done. And then we get in that mindset of beating ourselves up over that. And that’s not what it’s about. It’s what are the forward steps we’ve taken and celebrating those things.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Yeah, and I think it’s important we also recognize the growth that we’ve had in our business with the things that don’t come as naturally to us.

Like there’s some things that I’m like, “Wow, I’ve made a lot of progress in this area,” but it’s a skill set I’m actually good at, I don’t really struggle as much versus a skillset like, “Oh, anything with technology.” And it’s like, “Oh, look how much I know.”

Sometimes my husband and I have conversations and we have this kind of like dream. I don’t actually think it’ll ever come true because I don’t actually think he really wants to work with me. But we have this conversation about, he’s like-

Teresa McCloy:   There’s a whole another podcast, Stacey.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Whole other conversation. And so, he listens to me talk about my business and I talk about like, well this didn’t work, or I was working on this, or the learning management system has a bug in it.

And he’s like, “The things you know how to do and to figure out how to solve,” he was like, “It’s kind of mind boggling.”

And I’m like, “Well, did Rome wasn’t built in a day, didn’t learn all these things in 365 days, it’s 10 years, here we are.” And now I just hire people to handle all those things I don’t want to handle.

Teresa McCloy:   Yes, I’m the same way. So, in my first business, you and I have that in common. I’ve had a business that failed. A brick-and-mortar business that I had 20-some-years ago. And I made the decision because even … it was around financial.

Like I just didn’t know how to do financial things well, I’m not like a horrible money manager, but I just didn’t know the financial ends of business, the way I do now.

And so, when I look and say, “Wow, the growth I’ve had in knowing how to run a business — and granted I was in my 30s who should be doing a business in their early thirties,” sorry to those of you who are listening that are in your early 30s, but I didn’t know what I know now.

And so, that growth mindset of I didn’t know, but I can learn, I can learn to do things like you said, one step at a time. And then eventually, those things that you’re not gifted in and are not your best things, I now pay someone to do those things.

But I did feel like there was a part of me that needed to understand the basic concepts of bookkeeping and I took accounting in high school, but you’re not applying it because you’re not living it in your real world, the profits and losses and all the things.

Stacey Brown Randall:          All the things.

Teresa McCloy:   All those sheets that mean something in a financial place. So, I learned them, I learned them enough to understand and what’s the value of key performance indicators and keeping track of all those things and knowing how your business is, those are all growth parts in me.

But now I can let go of those and say, “That’s not my zone of genius, that’s not what I do best.” And I can let someone else take those things, and that’s growth too in letting someone else do things. So, it’s all part of it.

Stacey Brown Randall:          I do think it’s important about how well you understand something because then you’re able to explain to somebody else what you’re looking for and then know that’s actually getting accomplished.

I do think there are pieces of understanding the business. You got to know enough of it to be able to explain it to what you’re looking for. Not necessarily always explain exactly how to do it if you’re hiring an expert, but then also making sure it’s happening.

So, you created a methodology, I think I can call it a methodology, it’s called the REALIFE Process. Why don’t you break the REALIFE Process down for us in terms of how you teach it to a business owner?

Teresa McCloy:   Well, what I call it is a rule of life. So, we’re working with a whole person. We’re not just saying you are a business owner, you’re a person who owns a business. And sometimes myself being the one, we always teach what we have maybe struggled with.

And so, for me, I always identify myself as I very easily can be a workaholic. And for so many entrepreneurs, business owners, they can … I give this diagram many times of a triangle.

And if it’s upside down and is really wide at the top and we’re identified by the work we do, that top of that triangle, it flows down into our real life in the middle. And the little bitty tiny little point at the bottom is called our real self.

If we’re building our life in that way, wow, I fit everything else in around the work that I do, that gets the leftovers. And then the knowing of my whole self, who I am, what I value, what I need, I don’t even know what that is.

But if I can flip that over and make the bottom about who I am, what is my rule of life? How do I want my life to be lived out? Do I love to travel? Do I not like to travel? What’s my dreams? What do I see in my future? Do I want to do this forever? Do I have something else? Those are all areas of focus.

We have so many areas in our life, from spiritual to financial to relational, and then professional. Many of us are so driven by the professional that all the other areas in our life get left behind. And then we hit the wall and we’ll all hit it; I did.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Oh, yes, and it’s a tough wall, it’s a hard wall.

Teresa McCloy:   It’s a hard hit, it’s the brick head on. And we say, “Well I probably need to do this differently,” and that’s what happened in my life. And so, this framework developed for me, methodology, whatever you’d like to call it, of saying, “What if I did this different?”

So, we have four components, let’s discover your real self. We do that through lots of different assessments and also, mission statements and defining all these areas. Because you would say certain areas matter to you, and I would say them differently.

And so, we’re all unique. It’s your real life, my real life. I can’t read it in a book and fill out the blanks and say, “Okay, I’m going to do it just like that person in that book,” tried that, it didn’t work. I have to create my own rule of life. So, that’s the first step.

Then we break it down because I am an entrepreneur, I want to be growing and moving forward. So, then we break it down to, “Okay, in the next 90 days, what do I want to do to grow in these areas of my life?” We call that real life action.

And then we do real life time. How do I put it into my calendar so that all of my life fits, my deep relationships go in there, time to take care of myself, soul care, self-care, time to do these projects that I’ve identified that, gosh, I want to grow in my professional, I want to grow in my relationships with my kids in the next 90 days, whatever it might be. So, that’s the third component is real life time.

And then I think the key one is real life living. And I would say this is the one that talks about the rest. So, real life living is the three R’s. How do I rest, how do I renew and how do I review. And that is the sustainability of this triangle that we’ve built differently now.

Real self, real life in the middle, and now real work is the little bitty top, three arrows around it are the rest, renew, and review.

If we can’t sustain this new methodology or framework, we’re going to be looking for something else, in six to nine months to go, “Well that was a great book, I learned a lot.” Or that was a great — no, it’s a new way of doing life. And then reviewing on a regular basis, resting often and renewing.

What do you like to do that brings new life-giving pieces into you? We can’t be on a screen 24 hours a day. What’s our hobbies? What’s our relaxation? So, that’s kind of the framework in a nutshell.

Stacey Brown Randall:          It’s interesting because I did an episode back at episode 251 where I talked about business is never a straight line.

And I went through the journey over the last 10 years of my business and how about just over eight years ago, I arrived at the model that I have now of how I work with my clients, with the main focus of that being my coaching program, Building a Referable Business.

And I talk about how I didn’t just wake up one day and be like, “This is the model,” and then just wait eight years to get there.

I had to go like, “Ooh, I don’t like this, and ooh, this doesn’t work and that doesn’t work.” And all along, it was figuring out what I wanted for my life and having my business fit into that, while also providing for me the way that I wanted to provide for me.

Teresa McCloy:   Yes, yes.

Stacey Brown Randall:          But it was really a journey that I went on, and there were definitely people who came along and had conversations with me that stuck with me throughout that journey, that was really important.

And it wasn’t until recently, I came across a label that I was like, “Yes, this helps me define what I’m trying to accomplish in life.” Because I believe when we label it, we can understand it and we can put meaning behind it and label is in a good way, not in a bad way.

But this label is family first entrepreneur. And I am at a stage and my longtime listeners know this. Where my boys have just started high school or just finishing up their first year of high school. So, I’ve got three more years with them at home. God willing, they leave at the end of this three years and just come back-

Teresa McCloy:   We’re teaching them to launch.

Stacey Brown Randall:          We want them to launch, we want them to come back for Christmases and Thanksgivings and things like that. But I’ve got three more years with them and with Mackenzie, she’s two years behind the boys. So, I have five more years with her, she’s in middle school.

And the truth is, I want my business to fit into the life that I want, and I’ve always wanted that. But we live in a hustle culture and a comparison society.

And we’re always like, “Have you hit your first million yet? Why aren’t you up to eight figures yet?” And I know some business owners are listening, right now, they’re like, “I’m just trying to hit six figures.” We’re all in a different place at a different timeline and we’re all on our own journey.

But I really feel like this hustle culture is, whether we completely admit to it or not, it permeates throughout a thought process of what we see and hear in society today.

So, what advice would you have for a business owner that is listening to you and they’re like, “Yes, I want this.” But at the same time, they have to battle this mindset of, “But I got to stay on top of the game. I got to be ahead. I got to do all the things I got to do to get to where I want to go.”

How do you shake them but not shake them? And be like, “Look, this is a different way you need to focus on your life.”

Teresa McCloy:   Well, I think it goes back to what we had said in the beginning about mindset and your timeline, it doesn’t happen overnight.

So, I had a client ask me a couple of weeks ago in a women’s coaching group that I have, and she said, “How long did it take you to start doing it differently?” And I said, “Really, a couple of years because it’s in small incremental steps.”

So, that’s why I love … nothing in my process, to be honest, is anything new under the sun, it’s all things. Very few of us are inventing brand-new thoughts and ideas, we really aren’t. And I’m the first to admit that. That’s part of my authenticity.

But what I’ve given and what I’ve put together is a framework as a way to break it down and look at it.

So, 90-day processes aren’t anything new, but I think they’re hugely powerful is to say, “Okay, I can’t change today’s calendar because it’s already set, but I could change three weeks from now, or a month from now.”

So, if I go out and say that it matters to me to have time, as you were saying with your kids, purposeful time, go out and pre-decide. That’s one of my words, is pre-decide three months from now, two months from now, what you want that to look like and write it out and say, “I am spending a lunch date or a date with my kids, or we are traveling, we are going on vacation, whatever it is, I’m doing it.”

And go out and pre-decide that time, now. Spend it on paper, kind of goes back to the same idea of budgeting your money. Spend your time on paper, pre decide what, two months from now, pre-decide it now, go out and grab that time for your family, for your relationships and then don’t break your promise to that.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Hey there, pardon the interruption. I know with our summer series we’ve been focused on the mindset you have as a business owner. But part of that mindset is also what you believe and what you do when it comes to referrals.

In our Building a Referable Business Coaching Program, we help you implement the mindset, the strategies, the individual tactics, and yes, sometimes exactly what to say that you need to build a referable business.

Go to staceybrownrandall.com/referable to learn about everything you receive inside BRB, including one-on-one access to me and make sure to submit your application. The link again is staceybrownrandall.com/referable. Okay, now back to the interview.

And I think it’s important that people recognize that you also go through seasons, not only in your life but in your business. And sometimes there is a season to lean in to your life, whether that be your family, your personal care, whatever. And sometimes there’s a season to lean in to your business.

So, this isn’t something I’ve talked about on the podcast, but I have been dealing with a lot of hip and lower back issues to the point where I had to completely rework my schedule because a walk is a must if I want to be able to be able to think for any small increments of time throughout the day.

And I have to make time after that walk to see the chiropractor three days a week and the acupuncture twice a week. And then everything else I’ve got to do.

And so, I had to go in and just be like, “Okay, let’s just carve out this time because right now I’m in a season of needing this self-care.” And I fully believe this is going to fix it. And then I will do better job of taking care of myself, because I shouldn’t have let myself get here to begin with.

When the pain started six months ago, I probably shouldn’t have waited six months to do something about it. But that’s classic Stacey sometimes.

But I think that it’s recognizing the season that you’re in and recognizing and making choices around that. I think that’s really, really important. And I think people underestimate that.

Teresa McCloy:   Yes, they do underestimate it. And then recognizing the season that your family cycles go through.

So, my husband is a full-time farmer. We live on a family green farm, so if you know anything about planting and harvesting that there are seasons where he’s really busy. We’re just coming into that here in the spring.

So, I know in my business, because I’m an entrepreneur, I can match that. And right now, is a time that — that’s why I love 90 days, what in the next 90 days is the seasonal that you’re in. If you’re in retail, you know that the fall season is going to be busy for you.

So, it’s having those conversations with the people you care about and saying, “Hey, I just want you to know, but in January we’re going to go do this, or in February we’re going to go do this.”

And not letting that season that ramps up just continue to ramp up, but moving back down into a season of rest and different activity, depending on when your highs and lows are in your business.

Almost all businesses are selling something, service or product. And there’s this-

Stacey Brown Randall:          I hope so.

Teresa McCloy:   Season of shift, we have to take in income, we’re doing something.

Stacey Brown Randall:          We need revenue.

Teresa McCloy:   And there’s a season of shift though of when that’s high and low. If you’re launching something, if you’re opening a new store, even for my husband, if you’re planting or harvesting, whatever it is, your life has seasonal things.

My daughter’s going to have a baby in June, you can bet I’m blocking out about four weeks at the end of June and 1st of July. I’m still going to do work, but it’s maintaining not … I didn’t schedule something big during those times.

So, do that care of yourself. So much of it’s about looking forward and then saying, “When can I step back?” Not just living into all the energy that comes and going, “I’m just going to keep riding the wave, but when do I need to step back and take care of myself as well and rest.”

Stacey Brown Randall:          Yeah, I think that’s really important when we think about it from that perspective of that seasonality. When we’re going to lean in and when we’re not going to lean in and paying attention to that stuff. But you have to be paying attention.

Like you actually have to think about it, retrospect, you can’t be like, what should I have done. I mean I guess you could say, what should I have done differently within last 90 days? But you can’t change those 90 days.

Teresa McCloy:   You can learn from it though, like you just said.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Of course.

Teresa McCloy:   So, there’s a part for me in that review process, the last component, I can learn from it. And I can say like, “Ugh, there I am again, in that pattern of behavior, what could I do different? What things could I — you just talked about it.

It’s funny you say that about having some hip pain because I’m going through the same thing. And so, I’m like, yeah, we’re two peas in a pod, Stacey.

So, I am looking at same thing you are like, “Okay, what can I do different? What changes and adjustments can I make?” Even if it’s small, what can I do that’s different so that this isn’t going to come back around again if you find ourselves in the same patterns over and over.

Again, we’re kind of choosing those. So, what can I choose to do differently to prevent next time?

Stacey Brown Randall:          And I think for the business owner that’s listening and they’re like, “That sounds like a luxury to be able to choose what I’m going to focus on because I need my business to grow or I need new clients or I need revenue, or I’ve got to make sure I can pay myself for the next 90 days.”

I think that all goes back to what this entire series has been about, which is your mindset and it’s your mindset around yes, we are no different than every single person listening to this episode right now, we all need revenue.

And we have busy times in our business where we’re like, “Thank you Jesus, for all the revenue, that’s incredible.” And we have other times we’re like, “Okay, hope there’s some revenue right around the corner, that would be amazing.”

We all live in those moments, but we can still choose how we’re going to spend our time making sure that it’s … what you always say and it’s like a statement I know, but I know it’s a piece of what you say within the work that you do is that the Do What Matters.

I think a lot of times what entrepreneurs get themselves stuck in is they’re like, “That’s nice that I can put a vacation on the calendar that in the next 90 days, but I’ve got to make revenue, I’ve got to make money, I’ve got to be able to pay my people or I’ve got to be able to pay myself or I’ve got bills coming due.”

But the truth is, if you’re focused on what actually matters in the work perspective, like there’s a lot that matters in the personal and the self-care as well.

But if you’re focused on the things that actually drive the revenue, then you will find that you have more time to do the things that we are talking about, that somebody out there listening is thinking, “How in the world would I fit that into my schedule because I’m just so busy doing all the things,”

The majority of those — I won’t say majority, there’s probably a number of those things that you’re doing that aren’t actually moving the needle forward.

And that’s a piece that I think as business owners when we do that reflecting, when we do that review, we need to pay attention to A, you spend X number of hours doing live streams.

Like how does that impact into whatever your metric, your KPI, your key performance indicator that you’re tracking within your business is building something and is actually making something happen for you?

And if it’s part of a larger picture, so be it. But you can’t have 15 things that are part of a larger picture.

Teresa McCloy:   No, so it’s slowing down enough to a take balcony view of the things that are really producing the revenue, really producing the right work, but the Do What Matters. That’s the title of the book that I just put out.

But it also is asking the question why. Why am I doing this? Why am I working 80 hours a week? Why am I doing this?

And most people would say, “When I go in and I do a workshop for a bunch of people, I’ll say, show me your calendar,” because that’s going to tell me what matters to you.

And it’s like opening up your cheque book, and it’s like going, “Oh, how you spend your money kind of tells me what you value and how you spend your time.” But yet if I would ask you, “Stacey, what matters to you?” You just said it, my family, my kids, all of that.

And then, I want to go, “Show me where they’re at on your calendar?” Because if you’re fitting them in the cracks and crevices, you’re saying, and this is where we get caught in this mindset.

You’re saying they matter more than anything, but yet they’re not even getting 5% of your week because you’re so worried and concerned about the driving of revenue. And these are all deeper why questions. So, why, why, why?

Well, I have to work because I need this. Why? Well, I need to make the house payment or the car payment and whatever. Why? It’s like, could you drive less of a car? Like it goes into all the deep, deep work that we have to do.

So, doing what matters is, do I value this so much that I’m going to give my life away to this?

And I just ended up, and it’s part of my whole life story, and my journey in the last 10 or 15 years of saying, “I want to do the things that both can belong, both can be there. There’s enough time and energy for both of those things, professional and personal to exist.”

And many times, it does come to taking one day off a week and I know that sounds crazy, but one day off in rest, that’s our fourth component, can make all the difference in clearing our mind of all the clutter.

Stepping away from our computers, stepping away from screens, getting out, going for a walk, spending time with family and friends, laughing, having good meals, doing whatever. And we come in with a new perspective, that’s one type of rest.

There’s others we could talk about, but that is one type of rest is, just take six to eight hours a week off in one big chunk. And you’ll see you’ll have so many more ideas in your business and so much more clarity if you just claim back that one day instead of saying, “Oh, but I could get so much more done today.

Because here’s another day I could work. And many times, it’s the weekend that we’ll give up and we’re like, “Oh, I could get ahead,” not really sure that’s getting you ahead.

Stacey Brown Randall:          It may feel like it, but it will not actually be like that and that’s what you’re looking for.

It’s funny because for years I have taken Friday off, but I can look back on my calendar and I can be like, “Huh, have I really been taking Fridays off?” And there’s seasons to that.

I’m much better at it in the summertime than I am when school starts back in the fall. But most of the time what I find myself saying to myself on, usually it hits like Wednesday or Thursday and I start to like, okay, I’m getting tired on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon.

And I’ll ask myself, “Okay, do you want to just push through and do these last couple of things you need to do? Or are you going to do them tomorrow and let them eat away that time that you have?”

Because I’m in a season of life where I don’t have a day of rest on Saturday and Sunday. Like there is always something happening and it’s spring and summer, it is full on baseball season. I feel like baseball season just expands for my son that plays baseball.

With my daughter with theater, it just depends, is she in a play or not? Because then that expands to take up all the time. Well, that’s mostly me Ubering her around, but it’s a lot of that from that perspective.

And I have to catch myself, like I have to say to myself, “Wait, are you going to get lazy and it’s three o’clock, two o’clock on Thursday? Are you going to go hit Netflix for an hour? Or are you just going to push through to these last few things and truly not procrastinate so you can have your Friday the way you had originally envisioned it?”

Teresa McCloy:   And I think a lot of people are in your season of life, I’m in a different season of life, but I think many people are in your season, where the weekend is not rest. But again, I’ll challenge just a little bit to say it’s your mindset again, really about what that is.

If you’re spending it with those you love, it’s fun and yeah, it’s busy. We’re driving to all these things, you’re chauffeuring your kids around, but windshield time, some of the best time with your kids.

So, it’s all in the mindset that we have around what I’m talking about is I’m not working, you’re not recording on Saturdays and Sundays, you’re not in your business. You’re relationally spending it with those you love, and you wouldn’t give that up for the world right now.

Because you know that that’s the bonding time that you get to have with your kids. That season two will change and shift. So, for many people they do say, “Oh I never get a day off.” Well, day off from what, life? Like what are we looking for?

Stacey Brown Randall:          Oh, that’s so good. The day-

Teresa McCloy:   A day off of what day? Like yes, when we talk day off, it’s day off from work so that we can be with those we love, and we care about and doing all the things. If I could get back some of the season that you’re in, like you hear people my age go, “Oh, I love that time when we had stuff,” and you’re going, “No way.”

So, it’s all relative to where you’re at in how we see what renewal is, what is rest, what is renewal. And someday we’ll come back, we’ll do another podcast together about the definition of rest and what that is, because it’s not a vacation day.

Rest is an internal place that you live from, instead of an external thought of I’m always busy, rest is internal, it’s are my relationships healthy? And by living body, mind, and soul together, brain, emotions, gut feelings, that’s the E of rest, intentional slowing and purposeful time.

R-E-S-T, I can measure that, if I’m feeling internal angst, maybe it’s because a relationship isn’t quite right yet and it wouldn’t matter how many days I took off, I’d still feel that internal like, “Ugh, this doesn’t feel good.”

So, rest is a mindset all in itself of where we’re living from. Not just, I need a vacation, I need some rest.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Yeah, no, I think that’s great, and I think that is the perfect segue for people to be like, “Okay, well they just scratched the surface of the actual review.”

Teresa McCloy:   Yes, we do.

Stacey Brown Randall:          So, where can people learn more about the work that you do?

Teresa McCloy:   Well, I’d love to send them to some great free resources. So, dowhatmattersbook.com has the most resources on it. It’s tied to the brand-new book that just came out about six months ago.

So, dowhatmattersbook.com has a lot of free resources, some free worksheets, some specific podcast episodes that you can go to and check out all about us.

You can also go to the realifeprocess.com that’ll get you started too. But that book link is really going to give you the most bang for your buck in free content.

Stacey Brown Randall:          Oh, that was so good when Teresa talked about rest comes from internal, like it’s inside you. It’s about your relationships being right, it’s about making the right choices, having the right priorities, the things that you won’t regret later on in life.

They always say you won’t regret how much time you spend at work, but you will regret everything that you missed that mattered.

So, hopefully you guys have loved this interview and you’re letting it just pour into you, all of these, all of these episodes where we have talked about executive state versus survival state, we talked about belief formation, habit formation, mental health, cultivating happiness, and of course now working from rest, hopefully you are letting all of these just work inside you.

Like let them take resident up in your brain and in your heart and in your soul and let them help guide you and how you make decisions and the choices that you make within your business, within your life.

Hopefully, this series has been helpful to give you the ability to think about your mindset as a business owner, but your mindset in general just differently. I pray that this series has served you, maybe it’s just given you a couple of nuggets to think about.

Maybe you’ve had a massive aha moment. Maybe right now you’re actually working on an email to tell me how powerful a certain episode or multiple episodes were for you. Whatever it is, I hope that it has impacted you and I hope that it has served you well.

And of course, don’t worry, we’re coming back to the referral stuff. We’ll be back next week with it, I promise.

But right now, I just want to say thank you to the experts who joined me in this series, who gave up their time, who have provided resources for you guys. I hope you guys have enjoyed this series as much as I have, and it’s meant as much to you as it meant to me.

Of course, everything that you want to find connected to Teresa from today’s episode is in the show notes page, staceybrownrandall.com/267.

And now, like I said, next week, it’s episode 268. And what are we going to talk about? Your referral blind spots.

But until then, you know what to do, my friend, take control of your referrals and build a referable business.

Bye for now.


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